No, this is not the Kentucky Derby, I don't even like horse racing that much. It is the inaugural post of Psa7872 – “Ponderings and encouragement from one pilgrim plodder to another.”
The name Psa7872 comes from… well, you can figure that out. It has been my life verse for many years as a pastor and the goal I have set before me in pastoral ministry. My purpose will be to share from my heart various ponderings and encouragements. Ponderings are the meditations of my heart. These are those thoughts that push me to a deeper walk with God. They center upon the Word of God, sound theology, and the joy of being a Christ follower. Encouragements need no explanation. My prayer is that you will enjoy what you read and that you will receive the encouragement to plod on as a pilgrim bound for the Promised Land. So, enjoy. I’ll post more very soon.
In Christ alone,