I am on my way to two days of trustee meetings in Denver, CO for the Inteernational Mission Board. It will be a packed couple of days. We will elect new officers, continue working on the structural reorganization, meet new missionary candidates, approve/disapprove other potential candidates. We will also hear a report on the state of missions globally from the president and I will attend a special international accounting sub-committee meeting (wonder why the put me on this). It will be a packed time of meetings and discussion. Please pray we accomplish all we should.
Regarding my last post on preaching - I strongly believe there to be an emptiness in most pulpits in America. For many, a watered down version of the Gospel that promotes easy believism and no change is the norm. However, you don't want me to write about preaching too much and I'd rather write about other matters myself. So, be watching for what comes next.
Have a great week. And remember, Never yield your shield; Stay in the battle.
In Christ alone,