It has been a very long day at the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting.
It began at 8:15 with the gavel dropping and the meeting coming to order. I have heard some phenomenal preaching, great reports from agency heads and seminary presidents, and some interesting motions made from the floor of the convention. All-in-all the convention has been calm and peaceful with very little to report to those who look for conflict behind every corner. I'm pleased with what has transpired today and look forward to another productive day tomorrow as we close out the convention for another year.
Several items to point out -
1. A total of 8,400+ registered messengers are in attendance. Not too bad considering that this convention is not in the most populous of places in Southern Baptist life.
2. The Great Commission Resurgence was the most debated item of the night and it passed with flying colors. In a nutshell it is a call to examine ourselves and move back to the basics of doing the work God has called Southern Baptists to be about. I was/am very in favor of this taking place as it will prove to energize and stimulate areas of the Convention that have grown stagnant. A task force will be named tomorrow that will begin the study process and make recommendations to the Convention next year.
3. One of the greatest highlights of the Convention was when Dr. Jim Richards, Executive Director of the Southern Baptist of Texas Convention handed a check for $100,000 to Jerry Rankin, president of the International Mission Board. This money was a small effort of the SBTC to do more to alleviate the shortfall in money needed for sending missionaries to the field. If you want to know why I love the SBTC it is because they have a genuine heart for mission work around the world through the Southern Baptist Convention. God bless the SBTC and the work we are able to accomplish through this state convention in Texas.
4. Another highlight was having my son hang out with me this evening as we attended the evening debates/discussions and listened to the IMB report. It was a true joy having Jordon by my side and introducing him to so many of my pastor friends within the convention. It was a blessing indeed! The girls took it easy tonight and let the guys hold down the Convention fort.
That's a brief update on what has transpired. Tomorrow the resolutions will be discussed and voted upon. It will be interesting and I will post more tomorrow.
Also, as president of the National Alumni for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary it is my honor to host the annual Alumni and Friends luncheon. Please pray for me that I do a superb job in carrying out my duties tomorrow.
My eyes are very tired so therefore the pillow beckons my company. Talk to you tomorrow.