We are in Louisville, KY for the 2009 Southern Baptist Convention. This will be the largest business meeting most have ever seen. There will be 7,000-8,000 registered messengers who will be hearing some powerful preaching and all motions and resolutions coming from the SBC. My plans are to keep you updated on what is going on through my website for the next 2 days. So, after tonight I will shout back with some details.
For now, these are some items we will be looking at -
1) Great Commission Resurgence - There is a movement in the Southern Baptist Convention to get back to the basics as to what we are all about - the Great Commission. As you know, many have quipped that the SBC is in a state of decline and that if something is not done there will be no convention in a matter of a generation. I am not one who feels that we are drying up and disappearing. I am convicted, however, that a Great Commission Resurgence is powerfully needed and that the SBC needs some energy and momentum. I will post more details on this as it comes available.
2) Resolution on Barrack Obama - A resolution has come forth from a prominent black pastor in Arlington, Texas calling the SBC to affirm Barrack Obama's presidency. No comment on my part right not, but I will update you as this comes forth from the Resolutions Committee.
3) Election of Officers - I am fully expecting Johnny Hunt, pastor of FBC Woodstock, GA, to be reelected to a second term as president. There will be others elected and I will post on that as it comes up.
All in all I do not expect a contentious convention. In fact, due to it being seen in that light there are some who will stay home. We will see what happens and I will let you know.
UPDATE - I am still writing the 10 things I've learned after 27 years of marriage and will post them upon my return from Louisville.
I'll be in touch.