I hope you are ready for Christmas. It is only 3 days away so if you have not bought that final gift, it is time to get on the ball. We are so looking forward to Christmas morning at the McWilliams' house.
2010 Christmas Celebration
If you were unable to attend the 2010 Christmas Celebration you truly missed a blessing. Next to the first performance at the Ector County Coliseum, this was my most favorite. We had record attendance in our 5 performances. Each performance was full to overflowing with the final one Sunday night being a totally packed house. It is impossible to tell how many people came to Christ, but there is no doubt God used the work of so many to advance His Kingdom. A huge thank you goes out to every person involved in making this year's Christmas Celebration so fantastic!
World Missions Offering
Are you ready for this? The world missions offering goal for FBC Odessa was $440,00 for 2010. As of this date we have collected over $540,000 - that is more than $100,000 in excess of the goal. Wow! God is so good and worthy of all praise! There is truly no limit to what can be done when God is being honored and His people are faithful.
Christmas Eve at FBC-Odessa
Just a reminder that our Christmas Eve service will be Friday night from 6:00 to 7:00. We will observe the Lord's Supper and close the night lighting candles. Please make your plans to attend. You will be glad you did.
January is going to be an incredible month at First Baptist Church. We will reintroduce the plans for a new sanctuary to the faith family and will be voting on January 30th as a body to determine our next step. Please begin to pray for God's will to be done in this matter.
Have a Merry Christmas!