Yesterday at FBC was another wonderful day of worship. The sanctuary is in shambles due to the preparation for our annual Christmas Celebration coming this weekend but the good people of FBC have learned to take the disruptions in stride. We had a number of decisions yesterday. God is so good!
World Mission Sunday
Yesterday was our in-gathering for our World Mission Offering. We take one missions offering a year so as to not be hitting our folks up multiple times throughout. Our goal for 2010 was $440,000. Yesterday we received $426,000 making us just $14,000 short of the goal as of yet. If past history is any indicator of the future, we will probably meet our goal before next Sunday and certainly before December 31. From your pastor, I want to say a HUGE thank you to all who gave to world missions at FBC-Odessa! I love you guys.
We have one of the biggest weeks of the year ahead as we prepare for the Christmas Celebration. I'm praying God's huge blessing on every person involved. I'm believing God for a greater Celebration than any other because of all the hard work of so many FBC folks who are getting the word out. You guys are great!
Oh yeah, I updated my profile picture with a family shot. My wife and kids sure help me look better!
Have a good week!