Good morning. Just a few updates for some of the happenings at FBC-Odessa.
World Missions Offering
FBC Odessa, you are incredible! As of Tuesday afternoon we have collected contributions totalling $439,600 toward our World Missions Offering goal of $440,000. There is no doubt in my mind we will reach our goal and probably before Sunday. Incredible job FBC-Odessa! Your love for missions is wonderful. I am honored to be your pastor.
2011 Budget Discussion
Tonight in the fellowship hall we will discuss the 2011 budget from 5:30-6:00. If you have already received your copy of the budget overview you will have noted that we are not increasing the budget at all. In fact, we are reducing the budget by a slight amount. Thank you for your faithful giving to the Kingdom work being done at FBC.
Christmas Blitz Update
Yes, we did it! All 10,000 candy canes have been delivered to homes in Odessa. As of Tuesday morning the church family had delivered 9,400. To complete the goal some of the ministers on staff met at the westside Wal-Mart and handed out the remaining 600 invitations. FBC you did a phenomenal job in coming together to accomplish this goal! I love and appreciate you for rising to the occasion!
Permian Basin Christmas Celebration
Tickets are going fast. Some of the 5 services are already full. If you have not picked up your tickets yet, you need to get with it quickly. Please be in prayer for this great event. God is on the move and we are getting to be part of His work.
Have a great rest of the week. Only two more Wednesdays left in 2010. Have you been thinking about some new and fresh goals for 2011?